Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Judgement Day.

Hi, everyone. A lot of people have been nervous about all this talk of Judgment day, which is said to be this Saturday, May 21, 2011, so I thought I would write a blog on the topic. 

First off, I want to ask you all a couple of questions:
Take a second and actually answer both of these.

1) What do you think is going to happen on Judgement day (besides the world beginning to come to an end)? or what is the purpose of a day of judgment, anyway?
2) What are you, yes YOU, prepared to do (spiritually, that is) if Saturday was actually Judgment day? 

To explain the answer to the first question...

The Bible clearly talks about there being a day when Jesus will come back to earth to judge the living and dead and decide what their destination will be for eternity, Heaven or Hell. When this time period starts, there is going to be many signs that show its beginning. For a full list of the signs click here (read the list or skim through it, then return to reading here. *its very important to read the list because the signs are already happening). The world as we know it will come to an end one day. This is the truth. And it is not the truth because I am saying it, who am I anyway, this is the truth because GOD says it and Jesus even came to earth to make sure we heard it clearly. Do we choose to listen, or turn our back on God? That is our own decision, God gave us free will. 

Before I continue, I just want to state really quickly what it means to hear the truth and turn your back on it:
If you are a person who has heard about Jesus, has heard about judgment day, has heard that Jesus is the only way to salvation and to Heaven, and have chosen to either ignore it, or "believe" in Jesus with the words you say but not truly and fully with your heart, it does not mean you are going to be excluded from the judgement, just because you don't believe in Judgment day.

An example to help understand what this means is this:
Lets say a tornado is about to hit us really hard. The news stations take over every TV channel and are warning us that we have only one day to board up our house, get everything prepared, grab our family and evacuate.  If I sat in my house, heard the news but chose to say "Ehh, I don't believe it. The tornado is not gonna come and hit my house. Something like that would never happen on Long Island. I will just stay put right here- I do not believe it will actually happen." Does that mean the tornado would skip over my house because I chose, by my free will, to ignore the warnings and not seek help? NO! I would just wind up dead, a decision I made for myself. Therefore, by choosing not to believe that Judgment day will soon come- you will not and cannot save yourself. Judgment will not be skipped over you simply because you said you do not believe.  

OK so back to the reason why people are saying Judgment day is this Saturday... its all because of a man who was an engineer turned preacher who has studied very deeply the chronology in the Bible and came to HIS OWN conclusion about the date when the world would end. 

The key words here are "HIS OWN", incase it wasn't clear enough lol. Jesus specifically says in the Bible that NO ONE but the Father knows when the day will come. And if Jesus said no one- GOD HIMSELF told us that- that means no one. 

The second question I asked up top was: 

What are you, yes YOU, prepared to do (spiritually, that is) if Saturday was actually Judgment day?

Im not sure of what you answered here, but what I am sure of is this -that you cannot save yourself, not by your own good deeds or good heart or kind soul or yoga or meditation or prayer or religion. You cannot save yourself no matter what you do. If your answer to the question above was something like "I will be going to Heaven because I am a good person, i have never murdered anyone or done anything bad, so I am not worried", or "I am Catholic, (or Protestant, or baptist or Lutheran or Christian....), so I am going to Heaven.", or "I am a devout Jew and follow my religion very closely and follow all the laws given to us by Moses, therefore I will be in Heaven."... I can tell you that (not by my own authority -because I have none- but by the authority of God Almighty!) none of those things can get you to Heaven. Again, you cannot save yourself. 


Our good deeds, being a good person, our religion and so on cannot get us to Heaven because, first off, none of us inherently know right from wrong. We live in a society whose leaders came together and decided the laws of what is right and wrong for us to do. Every society in the world has done this. We live by these laws and think they make us righteous, or good people. But all we are is simply good at following rules. And what is right in our society may be wrong in another one, therefore blurring the lines of right and wrong in the first place.
For example, in our society it may be wrong to marry more than one person, in another it may be right and considered good. Another example, in our society drugs are illegal, in another smoking drugs is a way to develop a deeper spiritual awareness. Another example, murder is wrong in our culture in all situations except self defense, in another society if one person kills your brother revenge is a right you have, an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth. We as human beings have no inherit understanding of right from wrong.

Our only true knowledge of right and wrong was given to us by God himself through the 10 Commandments. I am sure you have all heard of the 10 commandments and have maybe dismissed them as "religious stuff" like I did. God, The Father and Creator of Heaven and Earth, gave us 10 things to live by. 10! Thats it! He told us to live by ALL 10 of these and we will be considered righteous in his eyes and worthy of Heaven in his Holy presence. 

Here are the 10 Commandments: (think about how many you live by)

1. You shall have no other gods beside Me.
2. You shall not make to you any graven image. You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them. (this means have no idols- no one above God. An idol is anything you put above God- this could be something as simple your blackberry or as deep as a Buddha or Mother Theresa)
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. (Using God, Jesus' name as a curse or out of anger)
4. Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy, six days shall you labor, and do all your work.
5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God gives you. (respect your parents)
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery. (cheat on your spouse)
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (Lie about anyone or to anyone ever)
10.You shall not desire . . . anything that is your neighbor's. (Don't be jealous or envious ever)
WHOAAA OK who just read these and pooped their pants?!! ME!! I am literally guilty of almost every single one of these. The truth is EVERY SINGLE PERSON, including YOU, stands guilty right now before God. God told us what to live by- but we all fail. If Judgment day were to be on Saturday we would all be judged to Hell, not Heaven. 

But why I am not having a nervous breakdown right now? One name- JESUS CHRIST.
Ever since the fall of humanity starting with Adam and Eve (read my other blog "getting to know God" for more info on this) we are all full of sin down to the simplest one of -lying or envying. And in Gods eyes sin is sin- whether it is lying or murdering- they are the same in His eyes, they are both sin and equal to him.

Because of all our inequities and our failure to do what is right, God could have destroyed the world long ago and started over again but He chose, because of His endless mercy, to come down to earth, proclaim the truth, pay the price for the sins of humanity on himself, lower himself to the lowest of the lowest place and hang on a cross to make us right with Himself. He told us "The only way to the Father is through the Son". The only way into Heaven with God -is through Jesus who suffered for us.  

We have the choice every day to go on living as if the tornado will never hit your house or to turn and make a decision to be on Gods side. God calls us to forgive any and every single person in our lives who we are angry at. To clean our hearts of the resentment that will rot inside of us if we don't let it go.  Choose to look into the eyes of God and ask Him for forgiveness. Ask him to forgive you for acting like you never needed him and could save yourself. Ask him to forgive you for breaking his Commandments. Ask Him to forgive you for all that you have done that displeased him. Ask him to save you. To come into your heart and take away the sin that sits there. Take away the jealousy, take away the lies, take away the hurt and confusion. Tell him you need him and can do nothing about your own judgment. Cry out to the Lord Jesus. And raise your hands in surrender. 

Stop reading and do it right now if you feel it in your heart.

Jesus is our salvation. The answer to every question we have. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the way to Heaven. We are unworthy without Him. We cannot save ourselves, but JESUS has saved us- will we accept His gift? When you forgive others, ask for forgiveness and call him into your heart he will blow you away. He will take each one of your insecurities and issues and wash them away from you. he will give you salvation. "Ask and you shall receive" He tells us. I can proudly say JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR AND HE HAS CHANGED ME FROM THE INSIDE OUT. I AM MADE NEW BECAUSE HE HAS SUFFERED FOR ME. I AM NO LONGER AFRAID TO DIE BECAUSE I KNOW I WILL FINALLY BE WITH MY TRUE LOVE.

Please email me if you have any questions or want to know more about Jesus and how to have a relationship with him, or even if your just confused about all this or worried about Judgment day. I am here to help. Please don't be shy. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

i agree with you nicole, very well said.

llisi said...

God Is good! I know whoever reads this will be drawn to the Lord Of Lords "THE"Savior;Nicole God is using you in such an amazing way!wow!!Very Blessed in the Name of Jesus;covered by the blood!may you continue to be a vessel for the glory of God.