Sunday, January 22, 2012

Designer Sex

Hey everyone,

For any male or female who is either confused about sex, or thinks they know everything there is to know about sex, please watch this message.

Even though our culture and the media tell us that sex is simply physical and should be practiced freely between any two people who are in the passion of a moment, there is much more to sex than what is portrayed and drilled into our minds. I think deep down inside we all crave for sex to be something more than just physical, deep down inside we know it is more than just physical.

Click on the link, a video will begin to play immediately ignore that video and instead look where it says "Select a Part" ( bottom left of the page) and click "3", its called "Designer Sex". If you have any more time, watch part 1 as well. This is life changing stuff people!

Let me know if you have any questions after watching.
Lets take our lives into our hands and make changes, just because everyone around us says one thing, doesn't mean we have to follow.
