Hey there!
Just wanted to post to let any one know I don't use this site to blog any more (obviously). I have a personal website for my Christian Coaching Practice, and that is where you can find my current blogs. I coach people in Quarter-life, meaning anyone transitioning into adulthood. Ya know, the point in life where you have to figure out who you are, what you are going to do with your life, where you will live, how you will pay back student loans, if you will get married, and the long list that follows. There are TONS of decisions to make in this period of our lives. I would love to help you navigate this stage, make the changes you desire to make, and live the life God has called you to. :)
You can check out my website at www.hisrelentlesslove.com and my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/hisrelentlesslove
Sending love your way,
P.S. I got married! So my new last name is Cascio. :)
In the words of Jesus: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." -John 8:32

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
You're going to die.
Hi guys! Sorry for the rough title of this blog. eek. I know it is hard to read that and come to terms with that truth, but anyway something has been on my heart lately and I am excited to share it. The other day, God gave me a clear picture of something detrimental that is going on in our world. Its such a sneaky thing though, because at first glance, what I'm about to share seems to be something good and positive, rather then bad and potentially deadly.
Before getting started I want you to imagine and really envision this scenario:
You are walking on the beach one evening and you see something sticking out of the sand near the rocks. You walk over and dig up the mysterious object. It's a box that looks to be deteriorating, corroding and frail but when you open it, you see there are jewels and diamonds inside. You bring the contents of the box to be appraised by a jeweler, and he tells you what you have found is priceless, there is no amount he can put on what the contents of the box is worth. You are absolutely ecstatic by the news you hear. What is the first thing you do with your treasure?
There are 2 possible options:
1) You take really good care of the box. Since it is deteriorating, corroding and frail, you decide to really invest in it. You spend time cleaning it up really nice, polishing it, reconstructing it, painting it and so on.
2) You take really good care of the contents in the box. Since it is of priceless worth, you immediately insure it. You know that you want to be covered in any instance; if someone steals it, if it gets lost, ruined or damaged. You are not taking a risk of anything happening to your treasure.
Which option did you choose?
I think the obvious answer for any person in this scenario would be option number 2.
Now here is the detrimental truth that God has revealed:
Each and every one of us is actually in this scenario right now. Your physical body is a deteriorating, corroding and frail box that hold a priceless treasure, you. Who you are is not what you look like; who you are is not your body. We are of priceless worth to God. But why are we more concerned with the outer shell then the actual spirit?
Like the 1st option above says, we invest so much time, energy and money into our bodies. We spend hours working out and toning spend tons of money on all sorts of vitamins and minerals, waste loads of energy obsessing and worrying about how we look and how we perform. Meanwhile we have a priceless treasure sitting inside this dying body, with no insurance of keeping it from eternal harm.
If we would insure diamonds and jewels, why not insure our souls? Your body is going to die and your soul is going to go somewhere when it does. The truth is, you have been born and there is no way to be unborn. Your life has come into existence and it will stay in existence whether your body does or not. Your soul is on its way somewhere. You can die today- you might actually, considering 268,000 people die each day (wiki answers).
If you died tonight, would you know where you were going? I know you know where your body would go- either in the ground or burned into ashes. But what about you?
What a tragedy it would be to leave this earth and end up somewhere you hadn't planned on going.
When Jesus walked this earth over 2000 years ago (side note, ever really realize B.C actually stands for Before Christ? He may be more significant then you think) He said:
"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
Many people believe that all religions/beliefs lead to the same place (Heaven). Lets get a visual of this. Picture a huge mountain and God standing at the top of it in Heaven. Some people would say any road you take up the mountain (any religion) will lead you to Heaven and God. What if the God on the top of that mountain came down to ground and told you that the mountain was very dangerous filled with wild animals, avalanches and deadly conditions and that there was only one safe way up and He knew the way. Would you follow Him Because that is exactly what God actually did. Jesus came down here and tells us how to get to the Father.
Gods unending love:
Do you see what Jesus is saying? "No one can get to God, except through Me. I love you and I want to show you the way. I died for you, you can trust me. Follow me."
What if this was true? Are you willing to pass up on insuring your entry into an eternal destination such as Heaven? Would you pass up on insuring the safety of a priceless treasure you found on a beach?
Jesus brought the best news any ear could hear! That through Him, we can inherit eternal life. Before where there was only speculation and curiosity about the after life, Jesus said "you want to know the truth, here it is." (not exact words). He lived on this earth, died on a cross for many to physically see and rose again with over 500 witnesses. Jesus is the only spiritual influence who claimed to be God Himself. All others claimed to have known God, or have had an encounter with god. Jesus then healed the blind, cured the sick and raised people, including Himself from the grave.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
According to God, this is what happens when you put your faith in what Jesus did on the cross: "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." (2 Corinthians 4:16)
Do you want to be renewed day by day? Are you tired of the endless pursuit of making yourself "better"? Look to Jesus.
What did Jesus do on the cross? He paid the price for all the sin and disgust in the world. Just look around, I know you know and have possibly experienced the sadness, sickness, worry, hate, evil, etc. here. Jesus took that all upon Himself and nailed it to the cross. Without Him we are slaves to the sin here, never feeling truly fulfilled and complete, always having a piece missing. Do you know what piece I'm talking about? No matter how good things are in life, you just cant seem to be truly fulfilled. Having faith in what God did for you and looking to Jesus to see His sacrifice for you on the cross is what's missing- you don't know what has been done for you, and its time you do.
It's time to stop putting so much time, energy and resources into the dying outside shell and instead insure the eternal destination of the priceless jewels inside.
Love you all.
Contact me with any questions. I'm here, even if we have never spoken before, just reach out.
Before getting started I want you to imagine and really envision this scenario:
You are walking on the beach one evening and you see something sticking out of the sand near the rocks. You walk over and dig up the mysterious object. It's a box that looks to be deteriorating, corroding and frail but when you open it, you see there are jewels and diamonds inside. You bring the contents of the box to be appraised by a jeweler, and he tells you what you have found is priceless, there is no amount he can put on what the contents of the box is worth. You are absolutely ecstatic by the news you hear. What is the first thing you do with your treasure?
There are 2 possible options:
1) You take really good care of the box. Since it is deteriorating, corroding and frail, you decide to really invest in it. You spend time cleaning it up really nice, polishing it, reconstructing it, painting it and so on.
2) You take really good care of the contents in the box. Since it is of priceless worth, you immediately insure it. You know that you want to be covered in any instance; if someone steals it, if it gets lost, ruined or damaged. You are not taking a risk of anything happening to your treasure.
Which option did you choose?
I think the obvious answer for any person in this scenario would be option number 2.
Now here is the detrimental truth that God has revealed:
Each and every one of us is actually in this scenario right now. Your physical body is a deteriorating, corroding and frail box that hold a priceless treasure, you. Who you are is not what you look like; who you are is not your body. We are of priceless worth to God. But why are we more concerned with the outer shell then the actual spirit?
Like the 1st option above says, we invest so much time, energy and money into our bodies. We spend hours working out and toning spend tons of money on all sorts of vitamins and minerals, waste loads of energy obsessing and worrying about how we look and how we perform. Meanwhile we have a priceless treasure sitting inside this dying body, with no insurance of keeping it from eternal harm.
If we would insure diamonds and jewels, why not insure our souls? Your body is going to die and your soul is going to go somewhere when it does. The truth is, you have been born and there is no way to be unborn. Your life has come into existence and it will stay in existence whether your body does or not. Your soul is on its way somewhere. You can die today- you might actually, considering 268,000 people die each day (wiki answers).
If you died tonight, would you know where you were going? I know you know where your body would go- either in the ground or burned into ashes. But what about you?
What a tragedy it would be to leave this earth and end up somewhere you hadn't planned on going.
When Jesus walked this earth over 2000 years ago (side note, ever really realize B.C actually stands for Before Christ? He may be more significant then you think) He said:
"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
Many people believe that all religions/beliefs lead to the same place (Heaven). Lets get a visual of this. Picture a huge mountain and God standing at the top of it in Heaven. Some people would say any road you take up the mountain (any religion) will lead you to Heaven and God. What if the God on the top of that mountain came down to ground and told you that the mountain was very dangerous filled with wild animals, avalanches and deadly conditions and that there was only one safe way up and He knew the way. Would you follow Him Because that is exactly what God actually did. Jesus came down here and tells us how to get to the Father.
Gods unending love:
Do you see what Jesus is saying? "No one can get to God, except through Me. I love you and I want to show you the way. I died for you, you can trust me. Follow me."
What if this was true? Are you willing to pass up on insuring your entry into an eternal destination such as Heaven? Would you pass up on insuring the safety of a priceless treasure you found on a beach?
Jesus brought the best news any ear could hear! That through Him, we can inherit eternal life. Before where there was only speculation and curiosity about the after life, Jesus said "you want to know the truth, here it is." (not exact words). He lived on this earth, died on a cross for many to physically see and rose again with over 500 witnesses. Jesus is the only spiritual influence who claimed to be God Himself. All others claimed to have known God, or have had an encounter with god. Jesus then healed the blind, cured the sick and raised people, including Himself from the grave.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
According to God, this is what happens when you put your faith in what Jesus did on the cross: "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." (2 Corinthians 4:16)
Do you want to be renewed day by day? Are you tired of the endless pursuit of making yourself "better"? Look to Jesus.
What did Jesus do on the cross? He paid the price for all the sin and disgust in the world. Just look around, I know you know and have possibly experienced the sadness, sickness, worry, hate, evil, etc. here. Jesus took that all upon Himself and nailed it to the cross. Without Him we are slaves to the sin here, never feeling truly fulfilled and complete, always having a piece missing. Do you know what piece I'm talking about? No matter how good things are in life, you just cant seem to be truly fulfilled. Having faith in what God did for you and looking to Jesus to see His sacrifice for you on the cross is what's missing- you don't know what has been done for you, and its time you do.
It's time to stop putting so much time, energy and resources into the dying outside shell and instead insure the eternal destination of the priceless jewels inside.
Love you all.
Contact me with any questions. I'm here, even if we have never spoken before, just reach out.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Designer Sex
Hey everyone,
For any male or female who is either confused about sex, or thinks they know everything there is to know about sex, please watch this message.
Even though our culture and the media tell us that sex is simply physical and should be practiced freely between any two people who are in the passion of a moment, there is much more to sex than what is portrayed and drilled into our minds. I think deep down inside we all crave for sex to be something more than just physical, deep down inside we know it is more than just physical.
Click on the link, a video will begin to play immediately ignore that video and instead look where it says "Select a Part" ( bottom left of the page) and click "3", its called "Designer Sex". If you have any more time, watch part 1 as well. This is life changing stuff people!
Let me know if you have any questions after watching.
Lets take our lives into our hands and make changes, just because everyone around us says one thing, doesn't mean we have to follow.
For any male or female who is either confused about sex, or thinks they know everything there is to know about sex, please watch this message.
Even though our culture and the media tell us that sex is simply physical and should be practiced freely between any two people who are in the passion of a moment, there is much more to sex than what is portrayed and drilled into our minds. I think deep down inside we all crave for sex to be something more than just physical, deep down inside we know it is more than just physical.
Click on the link, a video will begin to play immediately ignore that video and instead look where it says "Select a Part" ( bottom left of the page) and click "3", its called "Designer Sex". If you have any more time, watch part 1 as well. This is life changing stuff people!
Let me know if you have any questions after watching.
Lets take our lives into our hands and make changes, just because everyone around us says one thing, doesn't mean we have to follow.
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